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LNS 15 R

Woollen “Shrub” carpet, the field of horizontal orientation, both the field and border with rows of a variety of flowering plants (those of the field staggered, those of the border forming a single straight line)

LNS 10 R

Pile carpet laid out as a four-section garden (Persian, chahar bagh) with representations of flowering trees and flower beds, divided by water channels, and with a central pond with four peacocks

LNS 114 T

Talismanic shirt with decorative roundels, escutcheons and a cartouche filled with pious inscriptions in naskhi and attenuated thuluth, square compartments with the complete text of the Qur’an, and borders with the ninety-nine ‘Beautiful Names’ (al-Asma’ al-Husna) of God

LNS 27 R

Fragmentary multiple-niche pile prayer carpet (saff), the lower fields of the niches with a dense composition of two systems of foliated scrolls, the spandrels of the niches with a composition of half-palmettes and flowers on spiralling stems; preserved main border with an alternation of cartouches and four-lobed compartments filled with floral and half-palmette arabesques

LNS 982 T a

Linen, silk and silver wire textile fragment with rows of affronted birds framing a human face, running hares and dotted rosettes

LNS 14 T a,b

Two fragments from the same silk textile (from a garment or furnishings?), featuring a seated prince and an attendant in a landscape setting

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