LNS 3 W a-c

Wooden door (two leaves and centre-post); the panels deeply carved with hexagonal compartments filled with leafy half-palmette arabesques, their surfaces further detailed with scrolls and geometric patterns; the post carved with a pattern of calyxes and half-palmettes in ‘bevelled style’

Wooden cenotaph covered in religious inscriptions (in thuluth script) of reassurance, including one from the Qur’an (chapter 2, verse 38)

Ivory casket with gilded bronze fittings, decorated with medallions enclosing addorsed and confronted birds and tierkampf scenes of felines attacking hares. The casket is lined with silk fabric from 15th century Spain.

Lidded ivory box with guilloche borders, a band of infinite-repetition geometric pattern (square plan of repetition) and an inscription in naskhi script, invoking ‘Glory to our lord the Sultan’ and ‘And there is none victorious other than God’
LNS 19 I

Ivory box, carved in relief with representations of unicorns, birds and plant forms. The edge of the lid carved with human faces and quadrupeds, its top with an ‘inscription’ in degenerate naskhi script ‘copied’ from the style used in the Alhambra and other Nasrid monuments
LNS 21 I

Covered ivory bottle with ribbed bulbous body and slightly concave neck, the latter inscribed in Kufic script (in ‘vertically mirrored’ fashion) ‘O Fulfiller of needs, O Supporter of goals’ (an invocation to God)
LNS 22 I

Ivory mortar with guilloche borders, the body with four twelve-petalled compasswork roundels against a ground of frilly half-palmette designs
LNS 102 W j

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W i

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W h

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements