LNS 345 MS

Folio from an album with the portrayal of a lavishly-dressed youth drinking wine, with floral and foliate border in gold; the reverse an illuminated calligraphic page which includes love poems (ghazals) by Hafiz and couplets from the Bustan of Sa‘di, as well as additional unidentified verses
LNS 112 MS

Folio from an album portraying the Mughal emperor ‘Alamgir (Awrangzeb, son of Shah Jahan) holding a hexagonal emerald and wearing a rectangular one, as well as fine pearls; the reverse with a calligraphic composition rendering Persian verses, signed by the calligrapher ‘Abd Allah al-Husayny
LNS 17 MS f 123v

Folio from The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by Isma‘il ibn ar-Razzaz al-Jazari, illustrating the water-powered mechanism for a ‘perpetual flute’, the text in elegant naskhi script; signed by the calligrapher Farrukh ibn ‘Abd al-Latif
LNS 63 MS a

Folio from a sumptuous and famous manuscript of the Qur’an, all the text of which is executed in ‘eastern Kufic’ against an elaborately decorated ground of palmettes framed by scrolling stems (chapter 4, verses 173-75)
LNS 297 MS

Illustrated folio depicting the capture of Marzuq’s and the Frank’s (Europeans) fortress by the Amir Hamza, from a manuscript of an epic narrating the exploits of Amir Hamza (understood as the uncle of the prophet Muhammad), known as the Dastan-e Amir Hamza or Hamza-nameh (Tales of Amir Hamza). The colossal manuscript was commissioned by the Mughal emperor Akbar in a series of approximately fourteen volumes
LNS 286 MS

Illustrated leaf from a manuscript of the Universal History (Jami‘ at-Tawarikh), written by the Ilkhanid vizier Rashid ad-Din and augmented at the Mughal court under the Emperor Akbar; layout and painting by the artist Tulsi, depicting the bier of the Ilkhanid Mongol ruler Hülegü Khan
LNS 35 W

Featuring thuluth and naskhi inscriptions providing an extraordinary wealth of information, in addition to two passages from the Qur’an: the name and titles of the man (‘Izz ad-Din Malik son of Nasir-Allah Muhammad) who endowed it for the tomb of the deceased, Fakhr ad-Din Chupan, and the date of his death; the signature of the artist, al-Hasan, son of Qutlu Beg, and his patronymics, showing that he was the grandson of the deceased
LNS 194 W

Wooden box with hinged drop-down front for access to the internal drawers, inlaid in floral motifs of ivory and bone (with internal engraved and stained details) against the dark wood field
LNS 240 W a,b

Pair of wooden shutters or cupboard door leaves inlaid with bone, featuring an infinite-repetition geometric star pattern (pentagonal lozenge plan of repetition, ten-pointed stars and other polygons)
LNS 191 W

Wooden marquetry kit-box for a calligrapher inlaid with wood, ivory and dyed bone and inlaid with gold-painted ivory panels