LNS 1136 M a

Bronze dish in the form of a fish (for the serving of fish?), decorated with winged lions, hares, seven-circle rosettes, flutes and a vegetal arabesque
LNS 274 MS

Illustrated leaf from a manuscript of the Khamsa or series of epic poems of Nizami, depicting the Mi‘raj, or transport of the Prophet Muhammad to Jerusalem, on the mount Buraq
LNS 66 MS, f. 22 v.

Illustrated genealogy of the Ottoman sultans, traced through various dynasties and the Prophets back to Adam, this page depicting the Ottoman sultans Orkhan, Murad and Yildirim Bayazid

Illuminated manuscript of the Qur’an, the text in clouds on a red finely cross-hatched ground.
LNS 275 MS

Paper folios from the astrological birth chart of a newborn, giving the coordinates of the planets and lunar nodes at the time of birth. The single folio contains predictions for the future of the newborn.

Parchment folio from a manuscript of the Qur’an in Kufic script (Chapter 23: includes the very end of verse 49 to the very beginning of verse 52)
LNS 203 MS

Single folio from a dispersed manuscript of the Qur’an containing Surat al-Nisa’ from the middle of verse 171 to the beginning of verse 173 written in gold Kufic outlined with brown and with a large illuminated medallion inscribed with the verse count in the margin. The diacritics are indicated with diagonal strokes, the hamza (a letter indicating a glottal stop) in the form of green dots, and vocalization is marked with red and blue dots.
Al Fann Milan October 2010
Parchment folio from a manuscript of the Qur’an in Kufic script (Chapter 4: verses 170-3)

Folio from a manuscript of Pedanius Dioscorides’ De materia medica (The Pharmacological Book of Herbs), showing a plant from the Pulegium species (fudanj) and listing its medicinal properties

Folio from an album depicting a sumptuously dressed painter at work on a miniature in the contemporary style of Iran or the Deccan; probably by the Mughal painter Manohar (‘signed and dated’ at bottom left ‘Work of Bihzad 894’ [= 1488-89], indicating that it is a ‘copy’ of an original by the famous late Timurid painter Bihzad)

Miniature painting on silk depicting a princely couple in the company of attendants, variously bejeweled and opulently dressed in gold-decorated and fur-lined very long-sleeved cloaks