LNS 36 M

Brass planispheric astrolabe (the earliest known Islamic example), signed by Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah (known as ‘Nastulus’) and dated in Arabic letters (abjad numeration) to 315 AH
LNS 1338 M

Bronze ewer with spirally ribbed body, one rib with a single diminutive scroll. The handle’s ‘thumbrest’ in the form of a palmette, its base terminated by a stylized antelope head
LNS 28 M

Gilded bronze belt or harness fitting with representation in openwork of a mounted bowman about to shoot a serpentine-bodied dragon, with a cheetah perching on the horse’s croup; remains of four loops on the back for attachment to a strap
LNS 1218 M

Bronze incense burner in the form of a stylized feline, cast in intricate openwork to release the incense, with inlaid faience and glass eye, the tail terminating in a floral and avian plaque, the hinged head and neck serving as the lid
LNS 939 M

Bronze incense burner, the openwork body and lid suggesting a domed building, the feet those of a quadruped; inscribed in Kufic script, ‘Blessing to Abi [I]shaq bn ‘Isa, may God prolong his glory’
LNS 293 M

Parcel gilt bronze divining bowl (central post and rotational element lost), the interior with stellate layout; covered with inscriptions, including passages from the Qur’an, invocations to the twelve Shi‘a imams and inscriptions and numbers of talismanic character; signed and dated by the maker, Husayn Shakani; inscribed after manufacture with an owner’s name, ‘Halim Bayg’
LNS 804 M

Bronze oil lamp with domical lid featuring an openwork plait design, a leaf-shaped spout, and a Kufic inscription wishing ‘Blessing and happiness’ to its owner
LNS 110 M

Brass basin inlaid with silver featuring thuluth inscriptions lauding an (unnamed) officer of al-Malik an-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qala’un (r. 693-741 AH/1293-1341 AD, with interruptions), ogives and roundels with flying ducks, and vegetal motifs; later owner’s inscription, one ‘Abd Allah ibn Ahmad)
LNS 82 M

Bronze candlestick inlaid with copper and silver, with salient rows of ducks and seated lions, and invocations of good wishes to the owner in Kufic script
LNS 104 M

Combined silver folding spoon and fork inlaid with niello, with pious inscriptions in Kufic invoking God, and with vegetal arabesques and representations of simurghs and birds