LNS 102 W g

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W f

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W e

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W d

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W c

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W b

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 102 W a

Group of ten luxurious spoons made, variously, of coral, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, horn, coconut shell and wood, and with silver and copper elements
LNS 62 W

Wooden frieze, probably from a palace, with a series of elaborately cusped arches containing mirrored repetitions of the word ‘happiness’ (al-Yumn) in Kufic script
LNS 46 W

Wooden niche-head with carved foliate designs and muqarnas squinches lining the interior of the arch
LNS 728 HS a,b

Dagger and scabbard, the jade hilt and the scabbard’s locket and chape decorated with floral motifs inlaid with gold and set with rubies, diamonds and emeralds; upper part of the blade decorated with a flowering plant motif in two colours of gold