Rock crystal bottle, relief-carved on both faces with a stylised ‘tree of life’ bearing half palmettes

Rock crystal bottle, relief-carved with good wishes to the owner in Kufic script. The bottle probably served as a reliquary and was fitted in the 16th-century with Spanish gilded silver mounts inscribed: ‘In hoc signo vinces’, and engraved with the coats of arms of Barba de Campos de Castrofuerte of Castille, Santillan of Castille, Tello Barba Sandoval Santillan, and Tello of Castille
LNS 1 HS a, d, e, g, h, i

Rock crystal chess pieces from two different sets, relief-carved with palmettes and half-palmettes (a, h, and i from one set; and d, e, and g from another), the pieces consist of:
(a) Shah (the king), the ultimate origin of the shape is thought to be a royal howdah on the back of an elephant

Marble capital carved in a form derived from the Corinthian order, with an inscription in Kufic script giving the name of the stone carver (Shukr the young slave or fata), its date of manufacture, and invoking blessings on the patron, the Spanish Umayyad Caliph ‘Abd Allah al-Hakam al-Mustansir bi-’llah (r. 350 – 366 AH/961-976 AD)
LNS 160 S

Basalt tombstone of a certain Rizq ibn ‘Abdallah
LNS 65 S e

Limestone niche from the Audience Hall of the Citadel Complex of Amman, probably built during the reign of the Umayyad Caliph Hisham bn Abd al-Malik, between 724 and 743 AD
LNS 105 S

Pierced sandstone screen (jali) featuring a pattern of six-pointed stars (equilateral triangle plan of repetition) and other polygonal shapes, generated by dodecagons overlapping at the mid-points of each of their sides
LNS 285 S

Marble fountain basin with Indian-style rosettes in the corners and featuring at the centre a hemispherical boss carved with a ‘pattern’ comprised of an eight-pointed star and eight small five-pointed stars
LNS 32 ST c

Two stucco ten-pointed star tiles, one with a representation of a leogryph, the other with an elephant carrying a rabbit with its trunk, both on a ground of half-palmette arabesques (from a series of four in the collection)
LNS 32 ST a

Two stucco ten-pointed star tiles, one with a representation of a leogryph, the other with an elephant carrying a rabbit with its trunk, both on a ground of half-palmette arabesques (from a series of four in the collection)